by hla | May 16, 2023 | Uganda National Parks
Mount Elgon National Park This park has the largest base of any extinct volcano in the world. The Afro-montane forest, grassland and moorland habitats make this park a highly rewarding destination for hikers and other natural history enthusiasts.
by hla | May 16, 2023 | Uganda National Parks
Lake Mburo national Park This beautiful jewel of a park is found rn-route to the Albertine Rift and offers a great way to view the Impala, Buffalo, Topi, and the largest herd of Zebra the country has to offer, together with a vast variety of birds. It is small enough...
by hla | May 16, 2023 | Uganda National Parks
Kibale National Park This is mainly forested park, 795sq Km in area, is best known for its primate populations. With 1450 Chimpanzees in Uganda and Africa as a whole! But man’s closest relative is not all the park offers – you can also see the uncommon L’Hoest’s...
by hla | May 16, 2023 | Uganda National Parks
Semuliki National Park This remote National Park is an extension of the Congo’s Ituri. This park is of special interest to ornithologists as it is home to some 40 Congolese bird species recorded nowhere else in the country. It is also one of the best localities...
by hla | May 16, 2023 | Uganda National Parks
Queen Elizabeth National Park This is the most popular park in Uganda, evidenced by the number of tourists visiting each year. It offers prime grazing to buffalo, elephant, and various antelope. A checklist of over 600 bird species testifies to the extraordinary...
by hla | May 16, 2023 | Uganda National Parks
Rwenzori Mountains National Park Africa’s highest mountain range, the 5100 meter Ruwenzori also known as the mountain of the moons, is the snowy source of the Nile referred to by early geographers, 17 centuries before European explorers marked it on their maps. The...